Saturday, April 2, 2011

April Fools

You may have seen yesterday's post, and I just wanted to tell you...


Friday, April 1, 2011

The Worst Things

The worst things have been happening to my family. Sam has a very severe fever, and my dad's car was crashed into by a police officer. We had a big tornado and half of our house was torn right out of the ground. I got all D's on my last 15 tests at school. My mom fell down and broke her right arm and her left leg. Just as I was typing this, all the power went out. I had to type it all over again. There was an error publishing this post and I had to type it all over again again. I would put a picture to prove the bad stuff, but our camera got lost in the tornado. If just one good thing would happen, it would make up for all of those problems.