Monday, December 13, 2010

The C.S. Game

Sam and I (but mostly I) invented a game called the C.S. Game. All you have to do is say things that have the initials C.S. For example, Carrot Stick or Creepy Song. This game was originated when I saw a preview for Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn Treader and I heard the name C.S. Lewis. I was wondering what that stood for, so I made some guesses. This game can be played with many players. You can also try changing the game to two different letters, like B.N. I will now put a frequently updated list of possibilities.

  1. Carrot Stick
  2. Creepy Song
  3. Crappy Snake
  4. Cookie Sale
  5. Can't Sing
  6. Cub Scouts
  7. Canned Sauce
  8. Crying Spree
  9. Crazy Sam
  10. Corrected Sitcoms

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